
Welcome to my blog.

The Nokia N900 is a very underrated thing of beauty, an almost perfect device but lacking in one key element... Usability!

This is a device that out of the box is an amazing piece of hardware with the curse of a severely under developed Operating System, things didn't get any better as Nokia almost immediately dropped the Maemo OS to move on with a new venture in Meego. Fortunately development was handed over to the community and has recently bloomed.
The N900 is still a device that will seem like a slab of stone with a chisel unless the user is quite technically minded and that's the purpose of this blog, to inform people of the wonderful things that can be done to turn this device into a killer!

Sunday, 10 October 2010

PopOut Returns

Recently i posted with a workaround for the bbciplayer since the new style website removed the popout button, making it impossible to play content on the n900 via the bbc iplayer website.
Well good news! there is no longer a need to hack our user agents and regretfully pretend we are an android phone :/

The popout button is back, so now we can watch bbc iplayer content at decent quality again! check it out. and it seems that the BBC do listen to us when theres enough of us whinging.

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