
Welcome to my blog.

The Nokia N900 is a very underrated thing of beauty, an almost perfect device but lacking in one key element... Usability!

This is a device that out of the box is an amazing piece of hardware with the curse of a severely under developed Operating System, things didn't get any better as Nokia almost immediately dropped the Maemo OS to move on with a new venture in Meego. Fortunately development was handed over to the community and has recently bloomed.
The N900 is still a device that will seem like a slab of stone with a chisel unless the user is quite technically minded and that's the purpose of this blog, to inform people of the wonderful things that can be done to turn this device into a killer!

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Jurassic 3D Rollercoaster

jedi over at Maemo.org recently noticed Jurassic 3D Rollercoaster appear in the Ovi repos however its hidden and not yet in the Ovi store.

I proceeded to download this using the technique below.

Upon readin further it seemed that many users reported how badly performing this was, I've never really had any performance issue that others report and usually put this down to good housekeeping of my device, but this definatly has a problem or two. Playing this on my iPod touch 2nd gen is extremely responsive and quite wonderful, but on the N900 lags like crazy and its impossible to miss the fact that its running at a much slower framrate to the ipod, I have to put this down to bad programming of the game as the device is more than capable of murdering this game. Only time will tell, I hope that by the time this application is released its working properly.

See below for the command to download the game

Paste this into Terminal as one

wget http://mohammadag.xceleo.org/public/maemo/debfiles/apt_0.7.20.2maemo13.1_0m5latest_armel.deb
dpkg -i apt_0.7.20.2maemo13.1_0m5latest_armel.deb
apt-get install njurassiclite

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