
Welcome to my blog.

The Nokia N900 is a very underrated thing of beauty, an almost perfect device but lacking in one key element... Usability!

This is a device that out of the box is an amazing piece of hardware with the curse of a severely under developed Operating System, things didn't get any better as Nokia almost immediately dropped the Maemo OS to move on with a new venture in Meego. Fortunately development was handed over to the community and has recently bloomed.
The N900 is still a device that will seem like a slab of stone with a chisel unless the user is quite technically minded and that's the purpose of this blog, to inform people of the wonderful things that can be done to turn this device into a killer!

Saturday, 25 September 2010

Vodafone TV Working

I Have also managed to get Vodafone Mobile TV Working on the N900, although unfortunately its using the N95 Stream so the quality is pretty low.

Please Note the obvious: this will only work for Vodafone users!

So you can either do this in Microb using my bbc iplayer technique at http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=62871 and use this next UserAgent string, or you can do what I did...

Step 1: Install the following apps on your n900, fAPN, Firefox.

Step 2: Use fAPN to create a new APN named WAP (Or Anything)

Step 3: In the settings menu, edit the connection you just made using the following information....

Access Point (Contract): wap.vodafone.co.uk
Access Point (PAYG) : pp.vodafone.co.uk
Username: wap
Password: wap
Gateway (IP) address:

Step 4: Open firefox and enter About:Config and hit enter. (If it warns you just agree)

Step 5: Add a New Preference String, Call it general.useragent.override and then input the value below without quotes

"Mozilla/5.0 (SymbianOS/9.2; U; Series60/3.1 NokiaN95/11.0.026; Profile MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1) AppleWebKit/413 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/413"

click off of the object to save it and then restart firefox

Step 6: Ensure you are connected to the Wap APN you just created then browse to the site http://live.vodafone.co.uk

You will now be on the Vodafone N95 Wap site, Obviously the content like Games and other stuff will not work on your N900 as it is not running Symbian OS but you can use the Mobile TV.

I've tested this on my subscription and it streams fine.
Again its pretty low quality but it works!!

1 comment:

  1. help!

    keep getting server not found error. Have re entered settings several times. Just one area unsure....where do you put ip address, degault gateway or IP address field? If I put it in the latter WAP APN won't connect. Any idea where I might be going wrong?

    Ggreat job on the iplayer btw
